Monday, January 7, 2008

Middle Aged Fairy Tales (Continued)

I'm wrong about the fairy tales!  There are many folk tales about old people!  Most of them are funny stories.  Yeah, we get funnier as we age. Unfortunately, these stories (with the old people) don't deal with our modern preoccupations:  money, health or romance  (actually I think there are quite a few about finding money and treasures so remove money from the list.)   According to theorists, middle aged fairy tales deal with issues of maturity:  the ability to accept ambiguity, learn self-control and gain wisdom.  Most such stories also include an upsetting truth:  As we age, we tend to think more simply (which isn't really such a bad thing--but tell that to my ego.  I googled "Middle Age Fairy Tales" and when I found a psychological research project that focuses on the GOOD things about aging as explored through fairy tales across cultures and started reading through the stories that are analyzed, I realized that I've read many such stories--oh DUH!  It's just that those stories seemed to be about OLD  people before--now they are about ME!).

Acquiring wisdom might be antithetical to striving for money, romance and health.  (Oh why do I live in LA where you need so much money for the physical augmentations that might lead to good health and romance?)

Oh...such thoughts!  I should have called this the Nerdy, Neurotic, Insecure Divorcee.

Where are my tiara, ball gown and  glass slippers?!   I need to get up and get my glasses first to go  find them (that is, if I can remember the location of my  glasses--and it beats me where I left that youthful, fairy-tale costume--seems like only yesterday...well, you know how time flies...)

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