Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Flu and Vote Season

It's flu and cold season, yet nearly all my students have returned from winter break looking healthy and energetic and I'm the one with the bug.  My oldest son said he had a cold one day last week.  I was able to get him to suck on a few cough drops laced with vitamin C and zinc and we made sure to get Won Ton soup at the local  Chinese restaurant (Mao's Kitchen in Venice--it's groovy).   My younger son had a stomach flu yesterday and today and stayed home from school. I got the bug from my oldest son Sunday so I've been taking it easy and have been popping a vitamin supplement called Wellness Formula since then.   But today I had a headache all day--and still I taught.  Cold and flu season in my family comes right before you have to go back to school--I guess we all would have preferred to just stay home.

Today, my beginning ESL students read a short story about a family that lived in Wisconsin.  We looked at a map to compare where we live--Los Angeles, California--to where Wisconsin is.  The kids have come to school bundled up because it's cold.  It's in the 60s!  Except for the Iranian kids, most of my students are from even warmer climes than Los Angeles.  No wonder they are cold.  I explained that if we are cold now, we would be frozen in Wisconsin.

I thought of this because I'm watching PBS's report on the New Hampshire primary.  Angelenos (especially the native ones)  don't own coats like those the news reporters standing out in the snow wear.  But we can buy scarves and mittens when the air dips down into the 60s.  You won't catch me wearing scarves or mittens--but I've got the space heater cranked up high and I'm looking forward to the return of 70 degree weather this coming weekend.

Happy voting people.

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